by Manfred von Thun
Abstract: Complex expressions can be difficult to evaluate in Joy and in other stack-based languages, especially when some of the parameters are needed repeatedly for the computation of intermediate values. This note describes some techniques that can be valuable in such cases. The example used is the quadratic formula.
An equation of the form:
has either no solution in the reals, or it has two solutions in the
reals ("not necessarily distinct" as they say). The solutions, if any,
are given by:
R. Kent Dybvig, The SCHEME Programming Languagage, 1987, p 44, gives the following definition:
(define quadratic-formula
(lambda (a b c)
(let ([minusb (0 - b)]
[radical (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 ( * a c))))]
[divisor (* 2 a)] )
let ([root1 (/ (+ minusb radical) divisor)]
[root2 (/ (- minusb radical) divisor)])
(cons root1 root2)))))
For a = 2, b = -4, c = -6 the solutions are x = 3 and x = -1, and the programs gives the solutions in the form of a (dotted) pair:
(quadratic-formula 2 -4 -6) => (3 . -1)
Dybvig remarks (p 45):
".. by employing two let expressions, the definition makes
clear the dependency of root1 and root2 on the values of
minusb, radical, and divisor. Equally important, the let
expressions make clear the lack of dependencies among minusb,
radical, and divisor and between root1 and root2."
The remainder of this note is concerned with writing a program in Joy which does the same thing, using the Scheme program as a model. The general plan is to develop some constructions in Joy which can play the same role as the let-expressions in Scheme (or other languages).
The simplest let-expressions are those in which only a single expression is evaluated and given a name, which is then available in the body:
(let ([name expression])
( body ))
In Joy there is no name to be given to the value of the expression,
but the value of the expression can be pushed on top of the stack by the
[expression] nullary body
The nullary
combinator executes the quotation on top on
the remainder of the stack, possibly consuming several values, and then
restores that remainder and pushes whatever top value the execution of
the quotation had produced.
But this is of no use for multiple let-expressions in which there are several names to be defined independently, as in the first half of the Scheme program in which three names are defined, or in the second half in which two are defined.
The effect of multiple let-expressions can be simulated in Joy by a simple but very useful device. The aim is to compute several values independently which are to be used later. In Joy these values are anomymous. The general pattern is:
[[..] [..] [..]] [i] map
This is perhaps a surprising use of the map
In all cases the map
combinator expects on top of the stack
a single quotation and in most cases below that a list or other
aggregate of values. But map
can also handle the case where
that list is a list of quotations to be executed. If the single
quotation is [i], then the quoted i
combinator will execute
each of the three listed quotations and the map
assembles these into a list of the three values that were on top of the
stack at the end of the three executions. Note that the three result
values are computed independently of each other, and each of the three
computations can modify the stack in any way, and after each of the
three computations the original stack below the list of three quotations
is restored. It is these three properties that make the device useful
for structuring Joy programs.
In many cases the three values that have been computed from the three quotations are required not as a single list on top of the stack but as three independent values. Of course it is easy enough to decompose the list, in the present case by:
uncons uncons uncons pop
This will work even in the rare case where the result list contains
operators, as in [2 + 3]. But the sequence of uncons
es is
clumsy, especially if the list is long. It would be preferable to use
some code which decomposes the list independently of its length. One
device is the step
combinator, which expects a quotation
and below that a list or other aggregate. It successively puts the
elements of the list onto the stack and executes the quotation. The top
value after each of the executions is pushed onto the stack. In the
present case the required quotation is [], which does nothing. So, for
1 2 3 [[pop dup *] [+] [2 *]] [i] map [] step
will leave 1 2 3 4 5 6 on top of the stack, the 6 topmost, after producing the list [4 5 6] just after the map.
Applying these constructions mechanically to the nested multiple let-expressions in the Scheme program results in the following definition in Joy:
quadratic-1 == # a b c => [root1 root2 ]
1 [ [ pop pop 2 * ] # divisor
2 [ pop 0 swap - ] # minusb
3 [ swap dup * rollup * 4 * - sqrt ] ] # radical
4 [i] map [] step
5 [ [ + swap / ] # root1
6 [ - swap / ] ] # root2
7 [i] map [] step
8 [] cons cons # build pair
9 [ pop pop pop pop pop pop ] dip. # cleanup stack
But the program is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons:
1. Most glaringly, in line 7 the list of two roots is decomposed by
[] step
. But then in line 8 the two roots are recomposed to
a list. So, the final [] step
in line 7, and all of line 8
should be deleted.
2. In line 4 the list of three intermediate values is also decomposed
by [] step
. Just like a sequence of uncons
operations, this will work even in the rare case where the list contains
operators, as in [2 + swap]. But in the case of the quadratic formula
the list of intermediate values is just a normal list of literals,
namely numbers. Because of that it is possible to decompose the list by
just the i
combinator, which will do the same job simpler
and also more efficiently.
3. In line 9 the six pop
s remove the three parameters (a
b c) and the three intermediate values (divisor minusb radical). A
language such as Scheme need not (and cannot) explicitly express the
disappearance of these values. But the three parameters are no longer
needed in the computation of the two roots from the three intermediate
values. And yet, during that computation the three parameters are still
visible. But it is only by inspecting the code for the computations that
it becomes apparent that the parameters are not used directly. In Scheme
the independence is not (and cannot be) expressed explicitly. But it can
be expressed in Joy. The three (dipped) pops for the three parameters
can occur as soon as they are no longer needed, and that is immediately
after the first map
. Similarly the three (dipped) pops for
the three intermediate values can occur after the second
. But when the number of pops is small (three in this
case) we can do better than [pop pop pop] dip. The combinators
, unary
, binary
, and
are normally used to ensure that a quoted program
does not consume more than 0, 1, 2, or 3 values from the stack. They can
also be used to ensure that exactly that many are consumed. So the two
lots of three pops can both be expressed by the ternary
quadratic-2 == # a b c => [root1 root2 ]
[ [ [ pop pop 2 * ] # divisor
[ pop 0 swap - ] # minusb
[ swap dup * rollup * 4 * - sqrt ] ] # radical
[i] map ]
ternary i
[ [ [ + swap / ] # root1
[ - swap / ] ] # root2
[i] map ]
This version of the program is the best of the three in this note. It has now been added to the
There is another device which sometimes can be useful, especially
when the number of pop
s is larger than can be handled by a
single combinator such as ternary
. This might arise if the
number of intermediate values is large, and they have been computed as a
list, most probably by [i] map. In such a case that very same list can
be used as the (temporary) stack for the following computations. The
combinator infra
expects a list and above that a quotation.
It will treat the list as the stack and execute the quotation using that
stack. It will return the modified list on top of the regular stack. In
the present program for the quadratic formula, after the three
intermediate values have been computed as a list, the remaining
computation for the two roots can be done under the control of the
combinator. Note that this is in the last line of the
program below. When that returns, the required final value will be what
is on top of this temporary stack, which is the first element on the
list, and that can be extracted with the first
The remaining intermediate values thereby disappear, no matter how many
there were. The device is an overkill in the present case for the
quadratic formula, but it can be useful elsewhere.
The device can also be used when instead several parameters there is
only one, but it is a possibly long list of values. This situation does
not occur in the present case, but we can make it so by a chain of three
conses into an initially empty list. This is only done in the program
below to enable the first use of the infra
combinator. So
the following illustrates the use of the infra
twice, once for computing the intermediate values, and once for
computing the final result. The first use relied on the ugly chain of
conses at the beginning, and would not really be recommended. But the
second use would be a reasonable and more widely useful alternative to
the ternary
combinator. Note also that because of the
combinator some of the order of computations needed
to be different from the preceding program:
quadratic-3 == # a b c => [root1 root2 ]
[] cons cons cons # list of parameters
[ [ [ [dup * swap] dip * 4 * - sqrt ] # radical
[ pop 0 swap - ] # minusb
[ 2 * ] ] # divisor
[i] map ]
infra first
[ [ [ + swap / ] # root1
[ - swap / ] ] # root2
[i] map ]
infra first.
Postscript: Combinators as parameters to other combinators
The construction [i] map
is only one of many others of
the form [C] map
, where C is a combinator. This can be
useful when C is a combinator other than i
. Note that these
two are equivalent:
[ [..] [..] ] [..] ] [C] map
[ [[..] C] [[..] C] [[..] C] ] [i] map
In a way the C distributes from the right (inside the [C]) over the quotations. An example would be:
[1 2 3 4] [[even] [2 >]] [filter] map
which leaves [[2 4] [3 4]] on top of the stack, with the original [1 2 3 4] just below.
Constructions in which combinators take other combinators as parameter have not been explored much in Joy. Another example, with two quoted combination parameters is the first program below, which is equivalent to the second:
[even] [pop size 5 >] [ filter] [ map] ifte
[ size 5 >] [[even] filter] [[even] map] ifte
Both programs expect a list (or set) of numbers, and, for lists of more than 5 members they return a list of the even numbers, and for shorter lists they return a list of as many truth values, depending on whether the corresponding number is even or not. In this example the quotation [even] distributes from the right into the then-part and the else-part.